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Membership Website UI/UX Design Case Study

Project Overview


Winter - Fall 2022

My Role

UI UX Designer

Tools Used

Figma, Maze, Google Analytics

Privilee is the UAE’s top lifestyle membership app that provides unlimited access to premium hotel pools, beach clubs, gyms, fitness classes as well as exclusive restaurant, bar and spa deals. The ultimate objective for this project was to increase website's conversion by improving user experience.

Project Timeline

The project was divided into three main parts for a better visual representation of the events overview. Starting with the discovery stage all the way to the final product.

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Current's website information structure is confusing and doesn't explain well Privilee's value proposition thus creating a high dropdown rate.

Our goal was to help website users understand Privilee offering so that they trust us and subscribe to the right membership increasing conversion.

My role

​My role in this project as a UI/UX designer was to take ownership of the website design, from concept to delivery. My responsibilities included: user research, wireframing, prototyping, usability testing, iteration, and collaboration with the development team.

Design Process

The Double Diamond is a structured design approach to tackle challenges in four phases: Discover/Research, Define/Synthesis, Develop/Ideation, Deliver/Implementation.


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For discovery, we defined some initial goals to learn customers’ needs, behaviors, expectations and pain points entering that we will be able to address on the new website. 

What is the value proposition that Privilee promotes?

How people perceive Privilee’s value proposition when visiting the website?

What is the target segmentation or personas?

What do users need to know /to feel to form a decision?

What is the intent users have when they visit the website?

How does users feel about the current journey?

Research Insights

We conducted a user interviews to better understand user's perspective on the product. These are the highlights of the insights we discovered when working through the interview results and feedback.

Word of mouth is the reason how people get familiar with Privilee and its service

People are familiar with the promotional periods and they wait to get a better price

People are looking for more information online about Privilee

80% of visitors access from their mobile devices & 70% of sales come from mobile

Even existing members are looking for trustworthy information in FB group

People feel uncertain about Privilee offering and get in touch for reassurance

Privilee’s offering is perceived wanna be “exclusive” due to the fact that the prices are hidden

When they become members they try to adjust their lifestyle using Privilee

Users Segmentation

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Allow convinced users to register for Privilee from the app avoiding the lead form


Allow users to explore certain features before they use it by understanding their context and provide relevant information within the app. E.g. onboarding strategy


Even the users that end up on the website should be able to navigate and find the information they are looking for in order to proceed with subscription


Provide relevant information on the right steps of the journey regardless where and how user lands on the website


Create excitement by displaying features that the competitors or similar business cannot compete with


Allow users to purchase from the website but connect all the dots to provide a smooth end-to-end journey starting from any entry point until a successful registration journey in the app

Previous Website Design

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Redesign Process

User Flow

To better understand how we would construct the core experience for Privilee, we designed a user flow. This helped us focus more on the experience and needs of the user and less so on the details that we would solidify later on. It also allowed us to communicate the entries and exits more clearly so we would have a better understanding moving forward.

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Design System

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Mobile First Approach

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Redesigned Privilee Homepage and Category Landing Pages are now clearly state its value, main features and exclusive benefits. To make things easier for the user we've also added a "How To" section explaining how Privilee membership works.

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Map View

The previous website had a brochure with venue information in PDF format. We've now introduced an interactive map which allows users to filter through the venues, view their location and all necessary information making it a quicker and easier experience.

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Plans & Pricing

We've now made plans & pricing easily available through the lead form becoming more transparent and showing the real value of the membership.

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Other Pages

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